Manage sites

Once you've created your first site, you will find a table listing all of your sites:


The search will allow you to search for sites by name or URL. It's a live search and also works for paginated pages, so don't worry, we get you the site you are looking for.


This is the name you initially entered when creating your site.

By clicking on the little information icon next to your site name, a modal window will open to allow you to change your site name and also inspect the credentials we automatically created for you:

  • WordPress username + password
  • Basic Auth username + password

You don't have to use the WordPress login credentials; they are only there to offer a quick way to get started without spending time on the famous 5-minute installation process.


This is the URL of your static website. We automatically run a first export on deployment so you can check the result immediately once the deployment is finished.

You will also see a little lock icon next to the URL. Click on it to issue an SSL certificate.

We usually do it automatically for you, but in case Let's Encrypt isn't available, we wanted to offer you a quick way to do it manually.

Your WordPress website will be located at, but it's automatically protected by Basic Auth and our zero-trust firewall - we explain how to access your site in "Actions".


As explained in our "Create Site" article, this is the deployment status of your website.


There are four core actions per site:

Magic Login

By clicking the login button, you will be automatically logged into WordPress. No need to provide Basic Auth or login credentials - it just works.

Your WordPress website will open in a new tab, so you don't have to leave the dashboard.

Connect Domain

The next button opens a modal window to connect a custom domain:

We will show you exactly how that works in a separate article.

Invite Member

The next button will open a modal to allow you to invite team members to manage the site.

Just to let you know, every team member needs an account to be invited.

Delete Site

This will delete the site. Don't worry. There is an additional confirmation prompt before we delete your site.