
How to use: add_filter()

Included in: Simply Static Core/Free


The ss_remote_get_args filter allows you disable the default fetching pages/files size limit which is set to match the upload limit of the WordPress media library. This default value is used by Simply Static to avoid PHP timeouts. This filter can be useful for situations where you are exporting a website that includes large files such as PDFs, videos, images that exceed the media library limit.

Arguments available in the array passed by this filter:

  • limit_response_size : Can be used to disable (unset) the default file size limitation used by Simply Static.


This code snippet disables the default fetch file size limitation used by Simply Static during deployment:

add_filter( 'ss_remote_get_args', function ( $args ) {
	unset( $args['limit_response_size'] );
	return $args;
} );