LocalWP: Create a site

Once you launch the app, you will be presented with an empty list of websites. Click on the big plus icon in the top-left corner of the app to create your first website:

Create a new site

This will open a multi-step dialog asking you several questions. First, you must decide whether to create a new website, use a blueprint, or import a website from a ZIP file.

Once you've decided on an option, click "Continue" We choose "Create a new site" now and follow up with the next screen:

Name your site

Next, you will be asked to give your site a name. LocalWP will create a local domain based on it. In our example, the name is "simplystatic-site" so the site will be available under simplystatic-site.local.

Click on "Continue" again to see the next section: setting up the environment.

Set up the environment

LocalWP lets you choose between different PHP and MySQL versions and offers NGINX and Apache as the webserver types.

We always support the latest PHP and MySQL versions, but you can also use older versions if you use the minimum support PHP version, which is currently 8.0.

Important: If running on a Windows, you must use Apache as your server.

Otherwise, you will have trouble running exports within Simply Static.

Once you have finished your configuration, head to the next step: Set up WordPress.

Set up WordPress

Add a username and password to log into WordPress and optionally set a custom e-mail address for the installation:

Click "Add Site", and your website will be available in a couple of seconds.