
How to use: add_filter( 'ss_parse_inline_script', $your_callback_here );

About WordPress filters:

Included in: Simply Static Core/Free


The ss_parse_inline_script filter allows you disable the default parsing of inline scripts by Simply Static during the export process. This filter can be useful for situations where a closing </script> tag is being removed during export. When the $callback of the filter (the second parameter of the add_filter function) is set to "__return_false" the "ss_parse_inline_script" function will be disabled.

Common issue resolved by this filter

Closing </script> tag removed: The WP Bakery page builder may use <script id="wpb-modifications"></script> to hold customizations added to your site. If this script is losing its closing </script> tag, adding this filter to the functions.php file of you active child theme may help resolve it.

Code Snippet

This code snippet disables the default parsing of inline scripts performed by Simply Static during static site generation process:

add_filter( 'ss_parse_inline_script', '__return_false' );