Set up the GitHub integration

What is needed: Simply Static Pro

Benefits of using GitHub

The GitHub integration of Simply Static provides a lot of benefits compared to the classic ZIP and local directory exports:

  • version control (no more backups)
  • deployment on GitHub Pages, Cloudflare Pages, Vercel, Netlify, FTP, AWS, and CDNs
  • automatic push-to-deploy changes from WordPress to your static website


Go to Simply Static -> Settings -> Deployment and choose "GitHub":

GitHub Account

If you don't already have an account at GitHub, go and create one at the following link:

Personal Acess Token

Log in to your GitHub account and click on your profile picture in the right corner of GitHub. A submenu will open.

Click on "Settings". Then click on “developer settings” on the left sidebar:

Then click on “Personal Access Token” and “Generate new token”:

Make sure to use the "Classic Token" not the "Fine-grained Token", which is currently in beta and not yet supported by Simply Static.

Simply Static needs the privileges to read and write repositories, delete repositories, and the user settings (to verify actions).

The full configuration should look like this:

Click “Generate token” and copy the generated code to add it to Simply Static.

Completing the configuration

Back the Simply Static -> Settings -> Deployment -> GitHub, we can add all the necessary details to finish the integration.

Account Type

Select the account type (personal or organization). Based on the settings, the following settings may differ slightly.

GitHub User / Organization

Add the name of your GitHub user. If you use GitHub as an organization, use this account name instead.

GitHub E-Mail

This is the e-mail address of your personal account. This may differ from the one of your organization, so make sure you add the correct e-mail address here.

Personal Access Token

This is the token you generated earlier.


Add a unique name for your repository. GitHub will tell you if this one already exists or not, so there is not much that can go wrong here.


You can decide if your repository should be public or private. Public repositories can be seen by everyone, private repositories are limited to you and everyone you grant access to.

Name your branch

Simply Static uses "main" as the default branch, but you can modify that. Depending on your static hosting provider, you should configure that. For example, GitHub Pages requires a branch called "gh-pages."

Webhook URL

You can notify an external web service once Simply Static commits the update to your GitHub repository. If you like to use it within GitHub Actions, we automatically send a request to GitHub with your credentials.

GitHub Repository

Ensure the repository was created and a readme file was added before deploying via Simply Static. You can add a readme file when creating a new repository like so:

We will not create the repository for you; we only have the privileges to push files to it (as configured earlier while creating the personal access token).