Run your first static export

The “Generate” settings page is the starting point for working with Simply Static. There is one simple button to start the static file generation of your website.

Activity Log

The activity log shows the current progress of the static export. When WP CRON is available (which you can check within the diagnosis page), you can close that page after you started the generation and check the status later. You can see exactly what happens right now, if there are any problems, and how much time has passed by while generating your static site.

Export Log

The export log shows all pages crawled and exported by Simply Static. Check the “Notes” column for further information based on your configuration of Simply Static, like if it’s skipped, an additional directly, or where this URL was found on your website.

You can also see the status code for your export, how many pages were unavailable, resulting in a 404 error, and more.

The activity and export logs are pretty powerful tools for debugging, and the "Generate" settings page is the central hub of Simply Static, where pretty much all the magic happens.

Video Tutorial